Volume 4, Numbers 1-2

Essays exploring emerging discourse on the rhetoric of science, including in the fields of primatology, queer studies, and pedagogical theory.
Peter Baker
Deconstruction and Violence
Maria Damon
On Jean Genet
Sharon Meagher
Barthes as Woman
Lawrence Hass
Discipline and the Subject
Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Rhetoric and the Human Sciences
Peter Caws
Sophistry and Postmodernity
Richard Nash
Gorilla Rhetoric
John Mowitt
Queer Resistance
Michael Bernard-Donals
Liberatory Pedagogy
Roberta Kevelson
Peirce’s Rhetorical Turn
Richard Lanigan
Foucault’s Science of Rhetoric
Joseph Carroll
Biology and Poststructuralism
Piotr Parlej
On Postmodern Subjectivity
Véronique M. Fôti
Merleau-Ponty on Painting