Volume 14, Numbers 1-2
This issue asks how do intellectuals confront the present times? How do they make themselves heard? How do they make their words matter? The articles in this issue analyze the present situation of the intellectual, a situation that many find to be discouraging.
Frank L. Cioffi
Egghead Blues: The Life of the Mind in the Land of Things
David R. Shumway
Marxism without Revolution: Towards a History of Discouragement
Gerhard Richter
Can Hope Be Disappointed? Contextualizing a Blochian Question
Gregg Lambert
Sapere Aude?
Jeffrey T. Nealon
Post-deconstructive? Negri, Derrida, and the Present State of Theory
Anne K . Swartz
American Art after September 11: A Consideration of the Twin Towers
Henry A. Giroux
The Emerging Authoritarianism in the United States: Political Culture under the Bush/Cheney Administration
Ian Buchanan
Treatise on Militarism
William H. Castro
Excavating the Future of Institutionality: An Open Letter to the University
Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Public Intellectuals, Inc.
Gregory Flaxman
The Future of Utopia